First and foremost, the ultimate restoration and salvation of all men from their sin (not in their sin) is not a theological football, to be kicked back and forth in argument and debate.

Secondly, comprehension of God’s plan for mankind, and indeed for all of His creation, is impossible apart from the Holy Spirit’s illumination.  We maintain that the Lord Spirit has reserved to Himself exclusively the full embracing of this will of God by each believer.  The message should be announced by the messenger, then considered privately by the believer, in prayer and meditation.

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.  John 16:13

Perhaps this process is true for all matters concerning the character and nature of God.  Neverthess, the question of the love of God is of the utmost importance, and should set the pattern for all other questions.

Without dispute, the intimacy and conversation between the groom and the bride when they come together is secret, sacred, private, and precious–and should be kept so.  It is most certainly not to be profaned or made common by coarse treatment of others.  It must always remain exclusively in the bridal chamber.

It is just the same with Christ Jesus and his bride/believer.  Their union is sacred and holy.  The Lord wants to be the one to illuminate and reveal this oneness with His creation, beginning with His believer-bride.  Just as the groom breaks through the physical barrier of his virgin bride, so Christ breaks through the spiritual barriers of religion and its mis-learned notions.

If the believer/bride has been convinced by one messenger, “she” can be un-convinced by another messenger with a contrary message.  But in her union with Christ, her barrier divinely removed can no more be “undone” than a woman’s virginity can be recovered.  All that now remains is the white-hot passion of the bride for her Lover–the fairest among ten thousand! 

Those who wish to argue with the messenger, it is hoped, will NOT hear, for their own sakes, so that they will not be “inoculated”.  No one ever gets “argued” into the relationship with Christ of which we have been speaking.  Not now, not ever.

The love of God finds its highest expression in the moment the bride-believer appehends that in the second Adam “all shall be made alive.”  I am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved is mine!  Ani L’dodi v’dodi li.  Song of Songs 6:3

Blessed are You, O Lord.  Our wonderful God, you are the King of forever, and are blessed forever because of Your great love with which You have first loved us.

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